Finding Reliable Roof Leak Repair Near You

Tips for Locating Local Roofing Experts Discovering a leak in your roof can be a stressful experience, prompting immediate concern for the integrity of your home. The key to mitigating this stress and potential damage is finding a reliable roof leak repair service near you. This article provides …Read More

notepad for keeping track of questions to ask during your free roofing estimate

Making the Most of Free Roofing Estimates: Questions to Ask

Embarking on a roofing project can be a significant endeavor for any homeowner or property manager. Whether you're in need of repairs, replacements, or simply exploring options for maintenance and upgrades, obtaining accurate roofing estimates is essential for informed decision-making. However, the process of soliciting and evaluating …Read More

Picture of a mobile home's roof being replaced

Mobile Home Roof Replacement Guide: Signs, and Costs

Keeping your mobile home in top condition is essential for comfort and longevity, with the roof's condition being crucial. Over time, elemental exposure can deteriorate the roof, requiring replacement to ensure structural integrity and prevent leaks. This guide covers signs of wear, material options, and replacement costs, …Read More

Commercial roof with recent replacement

Commercial Roof Replacement: Key Considerations

In the lifecycle of a commercial building, roof replacement is a significant investment and undertaking. Whether prompted by aging, damage, or the desire for improved energy efficiency, it's a decision that requires careful consideration and meticulous planning. In this article, we'll delve into the essential factors to …Read More

Damaged roof that needs roof replacement

How Often Should You Replace Your Roof?

A Guide to Timing Roof Replacements Introduction Your roof is one of the most critical components of your home, protecting it from the elements and ensuring your family's safety and comfort. However, no roof lasts forever, and understanding when it's time for a roof replacement is essential to maintain …Read More


Skylights: Pros and Cons

If you are pondering the idea of adding roof skylights, now is the season to get serious, and do your research.  The right types of skylights can add a lot of beauty and warmth to any room, but before jumping in, identify the pros and cons. PROS Can …Read More

Condensation on window

Skylight Condensation

If your skylight (roof light) appears to be leaking, this might not be the case.  It could be a leak, but then it could be just condensation.  If the only time you notice water dripping from your skylight is during extreme temperature changes rather than when it’s raining, then your problem …Read More

Roof with snow on top

Winter and Your Roof

Except for the winter sport enthusiasts, winter is no one’s friend and that includes our roof and gutter systems.  Entering the season with knowledge helps a preparedness of mind and the inclination to look for little problems before they get to be HUGE problems.  Paying attention to …Read More


Ypsilanti Award Program Honors the Achievement

YPSILANTI October 30, 2018 -- AH Construction Company has been selected for the 2018 Best of Ypsilanti Award in the Insulation Contractors category by the Ypsilanti Award Program. Each year, the Ypsilanti Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community …Read More